The diplomatic network of the Ancient Greeks

The network of interstate treaties in the Ancient Greek World, 500-336 BCE

Data source: P. Kehne, 1000 ausgewählte Internationalverträge (Staatsverträge) der griechisch-römischen Antike, In: B. Eder – J. Derlien, Der Neue Pauly. Enzyklopädie der Antike, Vol 16: Register, Listen, Tabellen. Stuttgart – Weimar 2003, p. 338-437.

Recorded are all interstate treaties between Greek poleis as well as between Greek poleis and non-Greek polities for the period 500 to 336 BCE, divided in four time periods: 500-432 BCE, 432-404 BCE (Peloponnesian War), 403-362 BCE (up to the death of Epaminondas) and 361-336 BCE (up to the death of Philipp II of Macedonia).

The interactive maps for these four time periods can be inspected on:


Text: Johannes Preiser-Kapeller, OEAW (