Aleš Chalupa

Aleš is an Assistant Professor at the Department for the Study of Religions, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic. His fields of interest include history of religions (Graeco-Roman religions, especially the Roman cult of Mithras, Graeco-Roman magic and divination), cognitive science of religion, cognitive historiography and new theoretical approaches to the study of (ancient) history, including mathematical and computational modelling as well as network analysis. In the GEHIR project (A Generative Historiogrpahy of the Ancient Mediterranean: Modelling and Simulating the Diffusion of Religious Ideas and Forms of Behaviou), Aleš is working on the MITHORIG project (acronym for MIThraic ORIGins) focusing on the Roman cult of Mithras generally and more specifically on the vexed problem of its origins and initial propagation.

